
Friday the fifth of MAY 2006

 Today, in the English class, teacher Mela told us  that on Tuesday the 9th it´s Europe day.

On tuesday we are going to bring souvenirs from Europe trips.

Then se made ascheme on the balckboard "Diaries emergency kit".

First Mela wrote 12 or 15 verbs for the sentences on the blackboard.

Second se added the subjects. T ( teacher) , S ( students).

Then we read our sentences adding Complements.

Whith that, Mela made 12 sentences for the diary but we didn´t have to copy them.

At the end Mela explained some Grammar for the homework.

It´s about SUGGESTIONS using:

Let´s + Infinitive

Ex Let´s go to the cinema

What about + gerund/ Noun Phrase

Ex What about going to the cinema/ What about the cinema?

 We are going to finish Lesson 3 from the Activity Book, and Lesson 17  in "Grammar Time" to review "going to".

María Pena 6ºB



3 comentarios

Mela -

Thank you very much for your compliment!
I´m sure you are doing an excellent work with Spanish lessons at your school!
Best wishes.

Pauline -

Your english work is very good. I think you are very lucky to have Mela as your teacher. I am the headteacher of a school in england. We have a spanish assistant so you could e-mail us in english or spanish. Enhorabuena!

Mela -

Este artigo quedou por despiste sen pasar á BLOG no seu lugar correspondente (tras da clase de 5º desa data).
Tamén publicáronse en xeral bastante máis tarde os artigos, para que fora máis doado acceder o artigo "European countries".
Procuraremos de agora en diante non acumular tanta información e que as datas de publicación sexan máis axustadas ó traballo realizado.