Tuesday the 9th of MAY by 6th A-B

Today , in The English class, a class mate showed us some things from different countries.
She brought a Mexican hat, stickers from England, a doll-necklace from Russia....
Teacher Mela wrote on the blackboard the twentyfive countries from The European Comunity.
Later she explained we have to make sentences with every country.
We have to write its situation in Europe, the name of its inhabitans and the language-s they spoke.
The teacher wrote an example an we copied it:
"Spain is in the Soutwest of Europe.
It´s between Portugal and France.
People are Spanish.
They speak Spanish"
Moreover, Mela ordered some exercises from the activity book for homework.
She also showed us a work about BUGS, from a 4th level pupil.
Next, we went to the computers room.
There we visited a link in our blog.It was "Europa go!" , games to learn about Europe.
The goal of the game was to travel by helicopter visitting different cities in Europe.
It was very difficult!
Elena Pérez 6ºB
2 comentarios
Mela -
Se vos ocurre algo máis que podamos cambiar-millorar?
juan y mario de 6ºB -