Today teacher Mela gave us some notes. Those were about sentences order.
We went to 6th A classroom. There, she wrote on the blackboard using different colours.
First ,Mela wrote the SUBJECTS .
Next ,she wrote the ( AUXILIARS).
After this ,she wrote the VERB forms: (Infinitive , gerund and participle).
The she explained the COMPLEMENTS order (“maleta”).
These instructions were for negative and afirmative sentences.
Afterwards, Mela wrote on the blackboard the WH-QUESTIONS.
The wh-questions are: what,who, where,when, how, how much, how many, why and whose.
Moreover, the teacher wrote an example on the blackboard .
She wrote the esential words to make a sentence.
Finally we came back to our class.
It was a very nice lesson¡
Javier Varela Hernani 6ºB
5 comentarios
Jordan 4 -
Mela -
Os que millor o fixeron na aula tiñan xogado a un parecido que está nun xogo de "Trampolín" de 6º de Primaria.
Para non despistarte se xa sabes os países que vas visitar practica antes o percorrido.
Tes que guiarte polo debuxiño pequeno máis que polo helicóptero porque marca millor a ruta.
Boa sorte¡
Beatriz Rodriguez Collazo -
Cada 2 minutos choco ou acabaseme a gasoliña.
Mela -
Gustou claramente en tódo-los cursos.
Encantoulles sobre todo o xogo da viaxe por Europa.
Teño que confesar que confirmei por enésima vez que o meu non é conducir pois moitos en apenas 5 minutos xa visitaran varios países.
Vou ter que coller clase de conducción virtual¡¡¡¡
Beatriz Rodriguez Collazo -