
THE ENGLISH CLASS 5th A-B 11th and 12th of May

THE ENGLISH CLASS 5th A-B 11th and 12th of May


On Thursday , Laura, Carmelo. Tomás, David , Pablo and me brought things from other countries too.

We explained where they were from and who brought them to us.

Andrea Esperón 5ºA

The English class 5ºB 12th of May

Today in teacher´s Mela class we went to the computers room.

I played with three games.

The first game was similar to the “oca” game in Spanish.

The second game was a puzzle of a church.

The third game was to get a star that walked to get money.

This game was better than the first game.

Noelia 5ºB

In The English and Galician language we did many activities .

In English we finished the activities from Monday lesson.

Then, we went to the computers room and we went into the BLOG.

We played there with  the game “percorrido por Europa” of "Europa go"

I played and it was very funny.Matías 5ºB

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