Today we brought objects from another countries ,.
She told us to put them on the table and after this, she took out photos.
Later, we went to the computers room .
We went to nen@s de alvarez Limeses and we played with a game we have to move a helicopter and go to four countries, can´t crash into the airplanes.
Carmela Omil 5ºA
Today in the English class, we brought souvenirs and things from Europe and other continents in the world and Mela took photos.
We have lesson six from the activity book as homework.
We dididn´t go to the computers room.
We copied vocabulary about animals houses´from lesson 6Mercedes 5ºA
We brought things from other countries.
I brought a jar.
Tomás brought things from Scotland.
Carmelo brought an animal from Sahara.
She took photos .
David Filgueira 5ºA
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